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Comandantes Dornier DO-228
Comandantes Dornier DO-228
-Type required: No. -Languages: English. -Indian DGCA ATPL. -ICAO Class 1 flight crew medical certificate. -2.000 hours of total flying experience. -Current IR Land. -The unrestricted right to live and work in India. -ICAO Level 4 proficiency in English language or higher. -A valid Indian passport allowing unrestricted travel. -Current RTR (A) or RTR (P) or RTR(C) issued by WPC, Ministry of Communication, India. -10+2 (with Physics & Math) from a recognized Board/University. Salario: -Negotiable monthly Package as per Industry standard starting from Rs 6.0 Lakhs which includes assured flying allowance of 40 hrs. GST component will be borne by AAI. -Overtime Charges: Beyond 40 hrs of flying in a month, the Pilot will be paid overtime flying allowance at the rate of Rs.6000/- to Rs.7000/- per flying hour depending on the experience as P1. -Annual increment: Annual increment of 5% may be allowed on negotiable monthly Package. -Additional Charges: Candidates, if found suitable, for holding the additional charge of Director Flight Operations/Director Flight safety will be paid an additional amount of Rs 85,000/- to Rs.1,00,000 per month depending on his experience.
Hiring organization
Nueva Delhi, India
Fecha de publicación
agosto 30, 2020
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